Biography of Shreeguru Balaji Tambe


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Source: Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe, The untold secrets of Life, Sakal Papers Pvt. Ltd., 2013

Biography of Spiritual Master Shreeguru Balaji Tambe (1940 - 2021)

The Biography is from the year 2013

Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe has initiated the SOM (Santulan Om Meditation) and SKY (Santulan Kriya Yoga) techniques. He is the founder of the Atmasantulana Village, a world-renowned holistic healing centre. He established the world's first and only Aum Temple. He has authored several books on the spiritual sciences, Yoga and Ayurveda. His compositions, healing music albums and concerts are an outcome of extensive research. He is an Ayurvedic doctor, engineer, artist, cosmologist and agriculturalist. His father Ved Shastra Sampanna Shri Vasudev Tambeshastri was an authority on the Vedic scriptures and spiritual sciences.


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 Shreeguru Balaji Tambe and Smt. Veena Tambe


Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe shares his time between Karla, India as well as Munich, Frankfurt and Gleichen in Germany and conducts seminars all over the world. His family consists of his wife, two sons and daughters-in-law as well as four granddaughters, apart from a large, extended family of disciples.

He is a director on the board of the Sakal Media Group, which publishes the prestigious Marathi newspaper, Sakal. He is also Chief Mentor of Family Doctor, the newspaper's most successful weekly supplement (16-pages) that runs into more than 2 million copies. His ability to deal with all subjects, scientific, medical, social and technical, based on his life philosophy, has inspired many projects of great social relevance both in India and abroad.

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His forays into various fields have been spectacular. He has conducted deep research into the healing properties of the Classical Indian Raaga System along with the powerful psycho-physical effects of the mantras and stotras of the Vedas. Forty years of such work have yielded more than 25 music albums, 13 of them with Times Music. The album called Garbhasanskar, meant for pregnant women, for the balanced development of the growing foetus, has sold more than 700,000 copies.

Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe has written more than 20 books in 3 languages, composed 25 healing music albums, founded Ayurvedic Panchakarma Centres in Karla, India and Gleichen, Germany and has a daily show on the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta that has recently crossed 1000 episodes. The publication of dozens of articles in various newsmagazines in Europe and America, a weekly newspaper supplement in Marathi, and case histories of more than 150,000 patients are testament to his outreach. Dr. Tambe decided that the time had come to begin his contributions to the deciphering of the Vedas as well. He has written a number of articles on the subject already, and these are now being compiled into books.


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The deciphering of the Vedas is a task to which he is suited since birth. He was born to Shri Vasudev Tambe Shastri and Smt. Laxmibai. His father was renowned for his knowledge of the ancient scriptures. He had achieved a high spiritual authority in his field, and had been blessed by several great saints of his time - Swami Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati, Shri Ranga Avadhootji and Shri Lokanath Tirtha Maharaj and others. Shri Lokanath Tirtha Maharaj asked him to turn to the householder's life since his first-born was required for great deeds. This was confirmed when Tambe Shastriji saw that the baby Balaji had been born with a tilak on his forehead.

While still a toddler, Balaji began to recite portions of the Vedas. lt was around then that he also began to experience the presence of Hanuman (the manifestation of life-force), the devotee of Lord Rama.

His father introduced him to some of the most respected Ayurvedacharyas of the time. Fortunately, a couple of them lived around the corner from his home. He worked for them, learning the intricacies of Ayurvedic pharmacology and the diagnostic practices. He witnessed some of the miracles of Ayurveda under their guidance.

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He used to visit Shri Kshetra Garudeshwar many times a year with his father to perform his meditational practices. At the age of thirteen, one day, as he sat as usual at the Dattatreya temple in Garudeshwar, he was blessed and initiated by Sadguru Shree Dattatreya, who asked to begin his work in the spiritual field and allowed him to initiate spiritual seekers in SOM meditation.


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Shreeguru Balaji Tambe and his father Shri Vasudev Tambe Shastri


Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe possesses a rare insight into the divining sciences - astrology, palmistry, gemology and Vaastu Shastra (the science of spatial energy patterns in residence structures). His fame as a consultant of these methods grew as he handled complex cases and led people out of their predicaments. His affiliations with the University of Pune yielded research papers on the effects of healing music, and the study of life force and energy recognition in plants.

The institutes he has set up and the doctors he has trained cure heart disease without surgery, reverse the side-effects of steroids, have amazing results on children with brain disorders and growth problems, help hundreds of couples through infertility and conception, alleviate cancers and reverse diabetes. His small but world-class pharmacy has been exporting medicines to Europe since 1984.

Finally, his mission is to inform people so that they resolve their lives fruitfully, have no incidence of disease and no need of its cure. Although known worldwide as a physician, it is education that has been highest on his agenda.

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He has taken on the task of researching and reminding us of the great treasure that is the ancient Vedic culture. He cuts through myth and superstition and shows how those traditions correspond to phases of human development and involvement with our surroundings. Our times are most urgently in need of this guidance.

His esoteric experiences, astral travel and darshan of the Supreme Entity in various forms, have been privy to few. His insight into the poetic, programmed Sanskrit of the Vedas is, perhaps, unequalled. A verse from the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta often turns from high philosophy into the simple, inescapable message you needed to help take your next step in life. A complex hymn from the Rig Veda ends up revealing the essential Nature of the universe - an event sought after alike by the mystics as well as scientists of the world. The pursuit is simple - happiness - an ever-present state of contentment and bliss. The process involves rigor in asking the right questions, and discipline in following the practices of those who have achieved that goal. Intellectual acceptance is not enough. True acceptance lies in action, practice and surrender. lt is the course of ancient seers, interpreted to fit the 21st century by one of the few Universal Masters of our time - Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe.

He is the pioneering Ayurvedic physician of his generation, having invented more than 200 proprietary Ayurvedic formulations registered with the FDA. This feat is unprecedented in known history and had he not achieved it, it would be considered impossible.

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His Ayurvedic Panchakarma centre, the Atmasantulana Village, has by word of mouth become the highest benchmark for Ayurvedic healing centres all over the globe. lt is the biggest of its kind in the world. lt houses a GMP grade pharmacy that produces more than 400 formulations approved by the FDA, Government of India. The therapies include Santulan Panchakarma - the traditional five-elemental tissue cleaning. This particular Panchakarma method is unique to the Atmasantulana Village. Coupled with yoga, healing music and meditation, it delivers truly miraculous results.





Pictures of the growth of Shri Balaji Health Centre Atmasantulana Village

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Life in Balance

Several hundred also undergo Panchkarma at Dr. Tambe's Santulan-Aum-Kurzentrum in Gleichen, Germany, every year. The Santulan-Aum-Kurzentrum is complemented by Santulan Ayurveda centres in Munich, Frankfurt and Aarau (Switzerland). Dr. Tambe travels extensively in Europe and other places around the world conducting Seminars on Ayurveda, Spirituality and Life Sciences, and conducts healing music concerts regularly in Europe. It is estimated that he has offered more than a thousand vocal concerts worldwide.

Through all these activities his goal is to encourage the individual to enjoy all aspects of life by achieving freedom from unnatural and unwanted bondage. For this purpose he conducts research into the Indian traditional knowledge systems like the Vedas and mantras, music, Ayurveda and other life sciences, to derive therapeutic processes and cures. Ultimately the purpose is to understand one's social responsibility and the necessity of ethical living to experience inner bliss. Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe works tirelessly to help achieve this goal.

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The Balaji Tambe Foundation

The Balaji Tambe Foundation (BTF) is administered by the Lakshmibai Tambe Charitable Trust. BTF is a special division of the Trust that produces books, other media and workshops promoting ethical and spiritual values, Yoga, health practices and healing music, as well as the principles of Love and Sacrifice along with Karma Yoga. BTF propagates the ancient traditional principles based on the Vedas for the cause of happiness and contentment throughout humankind.






Pictures of agriculture in Atmasantulana Village


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